Friday Fish & Chips, just about your last chance to…

Get your winning Jaguar tickets!
So come for dinner and pick up your tickets at the same time!
We need your help to get the roof
before there isn’t a roof any longer.
From 5pm on, come on in for your
hot, mouth-watering delicious and authentic Fish & Chips dinner!
The kitchen will be open until 7:30pm.
Fish & Chips – $10 (1 pc. Hake)
Haddock Dinner – $13
Steak Pie Dinners – $12
Fried Shrimp Dinner – $12
With all the fixings: Mushy Peas, Coleslaw, Bread & Butter, and Condiments of your choice.
Hake or Haddock can be
Beer Batter Fried or Baked.
***Please use caution, common sense,
and the 6ft rule when socializing. Thank you.