Trivia Night! Is On!!!

The men’s room isn’t completely finished, but it’s got what it needs to make Trivia Night a possibility! Yay! We’re getting there! Our club is on the right track to make its way back and better, with much-needed improvements.
6pm – 10pm
-$3 / person
-Play begins at 6:30
-Masks are required while moving about the club and all protocols
will be enforced. Please call us for any updates on this.
-8 People to a team, maximum
-88 people total seating = 11 teams
-The bar will be open for libations and
waitstaff will serve you!
-Bring your own snacks
Help us make it a success so we can offer more!
Please join us and support your club.
***Please remember the 6ft. rule for others, not in your group. Thank you.