If you purchase tickets for an event online, they will be available the night of the event at the door. Use your invoice number as a reference.
Hello, March!
March <—- Click here for the March newsletter
Hello, hello everyone! Here is our March installment of the newsletter and calendar of events. Just as a reminder, if you plan on attending our Battle of the Bands event, you need to buy your tickets asap! We will no longer be selling the day of!
Also worth mentioning is our D-Day Anniversary event !
Join us April,27th for an evening of history, military artifacts and great music, as the Commonwealth Club pays tribute to the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
This event is sure to sell out, so purchase your tickets early!
Happy February!
newsfeb19 <—Click this handy little link to see the full February newsletter.
Hello! Hopefully you’re all doing in coping with this super inconsistent weather. Who knew we’d get all four seasons so early into the year! Anyway, looking ahead for February, we have a pub night on Saturday the 16th with The Shakeups. Make sure to bring a dish to pass for the potluck, and more importantly bring some friends!
Please note February 23rd the club will be CLOSED.
**As a side note, Battle of the bands is upon us! (March 30th), This is easily our most anticipated event of the year, and sells out quickly. If you would like to attend, please make sure to buy tickets ahead of time. To ensure we don’t oversell the event, tickets will NOT be sold the day of. **
New Year, New Us
January newsletter<—Click here for the full size January newsletter
Hello everyone, welcome to our new website! In keeping with the theme of a New Year and fresh start, it only seemed fitting to launch in 2019. Take a quick peek at our January Newsletter and schedule of events below. As always, thank you for all of your patience, and continuous support. We look forward to seeing you at Friday Fish Fry, Trivia or one of our many other events.