October 2nd – 1st Curbside English Fish & Chips!

Members Only
Spread the word!
With your help, we are going to ‘Give it a Go’ and try our 1st Pick-up Curbside English Fish & Chips! This 1st Fish & Chips is for Members only! You are our honored guests, as your new Executive Board looks forward to your feedback before we offer Fish & Chips to the public.
So stay tuned for details and pass the word!
October 2nd,  4pm-7:30pm
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Club for Fish & Chips!

Annual General Meeting Sept 19, 2020

Attention Members:

The Commonwealth Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on September 19, 2020. This meeting is for active (paid up) members only.

More information will be mailed shortly.


Stephen Barber Funeral Services

As you may know, we at the Commonwealth Club lost our good friend and president, Stephen Barber, who passed away August, 3, 2020. Stephen’s high level of energy, drive, continued optimism, and love for the Commonwealth Club was recognized by the membership and all who visited.

Our hearts ache and we will miss you, Stephen.

Service Information:


2 to 8 pm, Friday August 7, 2020

Resurrection Funeral Home

40800 Hayes Road, Clinton Township, MI  48038


Graveside Service:

Promptly @10:30 am, Saturday August 8, 2020

Arrive no later than 10:15 am. Cemetery personnel will direct you to location.

Resurrection Cemetery

18201 Clinton River Road, Clinton Township, MI 48308





Covid-19 Update

The Commonwealth Club will remained closed (at a minimum) through the Labor Day weekend. Please continue to check our website,  call 586 751-9560 or our Facebook page for any updates.


COVID-19 Update – Club Temporary Closure

This is to inform you that the Commonwealth Club will be closed until further notice beginning:  

Friday March 13, 2020.

On the advice of our state government  and state and local health departments regarding the spread of COVID-19, the Club Board has come together to make a decision to put the health of our members and guests at the center of our decision to the close the Commonwealth Club.

Look for updates on our Facebook and website pages

February and March 2020 Calendar

There will be no newsletter this month, but here is the Feb / Mar Calendar.

There are lots of great coming up, starting with the always popular Spaghetti Bingo on Feb 22. We will be “Unraveling the magical mysteries of the Beatles and their Music” on Feb 29, click here for more details. Looking forward to March, we are having a St. Patrick’s Day Extravaganza on Tuesday March 17 . See the flyer below.

January and February 2020 updates

Happy New Year to everyone.

The Elves have been busy filling the calendar for the 2020 season at the Commonwealth Club.  Be sure to attend the  Monty Python Pub Night on January 25th, dress for the occasion (even if you don’t like Spam) and have some laughs…Say no more . February 22 is the always popular Spaghetti Bingo Night, and , as 2020 is a Leap Year, we have an event on Feb 29, “Unraveling the Magical Mysteries of the Beatles and their Music” a night combining discussion and the music of the Beatles. Clink on the link below to check out the calendar for more events. We’ll see you at the Club!

Click here for Jan 2020 Newsletter


December Happenings

Happy Holidays from the Commonwealth Club!!

The weather has turned frightful, but at the Club, it’s always delightful. Stop in and shake off the cold, in our warm and cozy lounge.

Click Here for December Newsletter

As always! Check the calendar for upcoming events, including the Club Christmas Party and our New Years Gala. For more info or to purchase tickets, go to the Event Tickets page.